

Vector function in Java.

Vector function 1.add() It is used to insert the element at the end of vector. import java.util.Vector ; class Program { public sta...

Iwe3official 12 Jan, 2023

Vector in java.

Vector in java It is a predefined class and used to store the data. We can store data of any data type(float,int,character,string). It is de...

Iwe3official 12 Jan, 2023

Enumeration interface in java.

enumeration interface in java It is a predefined interface. It is used to access/retrieve the data from any collection like  vector ,stack e...

Iwe3official 12 Jan, 2023

Enum in java.

enum in java It is a collection of named constant. It is declared with  enum  keywrod. Each enumeration constant is  public, static and fina...

Iwe3official 12 Jan, 2023

Static keyword in Java.

static keyword in Java 1. static  keyword is an important element in java which is mainly used for memory manamgement. 2. static  keyword ca...

Iwe3official 12 Jan, 2023

Super keyword in Java

super keyword in Java 1. super  is a keyword that refers to the object of current base class . 2.It can be used to replace derived class var...

Iwe3official 12 Jan, 2023

This keyword in Java

this keyword in Java 1. this  is a keyword that refers to the current object of class. 2.It can be used to replace local variable with class...

Iwe3official 12 Jan, 2023

Abstract class in Java.

Abstract class in Java 1. Abstract class  is an important element in java which is declared with  abstract  keyword. 2.It is a collection of...

Iwe3official 12 Jan, 2023

Abstract class in Java.

Abstract class in Java 1. Abstract class  is an important element in java which is declared with  abstract  keyword. 2.It is a collection of...

Iwe3official 12 Jan, 2023

Abstract class in Java.

Abstract class in Java 1. Abstract class  is an important element in java which is declared with  abstract  keyword. 2.It is a collection of...

Iwe3official 12 Jan, 2023