Comprehensive HTML Roadmap

1. Basics of HTML

  • Introduction to HTML
    • Understanding HTML and its Role
    • Setting up a Development Environment
  • Basic HTML Structure
    • DOCTYPE Declaration
    • HTML, Head, and Body Tags
    • Meta Tags
  • Common HTML Elements
    • Headings (h1, h2, h3, etc.)
    • Paragraphs (p)
    • Links (a)
    • Lists (ul, ol, li)
    • Images (img)
    • Line Breaks (br) and Horizontal Rules (hr)

2. HTML Formatting and Semantics

  • Text Formatting
    • Bold (b), Italic (i), Underline (u), Strong (strong), Emphasis (em)
  • Semantic Elements
    • Header (header), Nav (nav), Main (main), Section (section), Article (article), Aside (aside), Footer (footer)
  • Grouping Content
    • Div (div) and Span (span)

3. Forms and Input

  • Basic Form Structure
    • Form Tag (form)
    • Input Elements (input, textarea, select, option, button)
  • Form Attributes
    • Action, Method, Target
  • Form Validation
    • Required Fields, Pattern Matching, Input Types (email, number, date, etc.)

4. Media Elements

  • Images
    • Adding and Formatting Images
  • Audio and Video
    • Embedding Audio (audio)
    • Embedding Video (video)
    • Using the Source (source) Tag
  • Canvas and SVG
    • Drawing Graphics with Canvas (canvas)
    • Scalable Vector Graphics (svg)

5. Tables

  • Basic Table Structure
    • Table (table), Table Row (tr), Table Data (td), Table Header (th)
  • Table Attributes and Styling
    • Colspan, Rowspan, Table Borders, Cell Padding and Spacing

6. Links and Navigation

  • Creating Links
    • Internal and External Links
    • Linking to Sections within the Same Page
  • Navigation Bars
    • Creating a Basic Navigation Bar

7. HTML5 New Features

  • HTML5 Semantic Elements
    • Figure (figure), Figcaption (figcaption), Mark (mark), Time (time)
  • HTML5 APIs
    • Geolocation, Drag and Drop, Local Storage

8. Accessibility

  • ARIA Landmarks
    • Role Attribute
  • Accessible Forms
    • Labels, Fieldsets, Legends
  • Using Semantic HTML for Better Accessibility

9. Best Practices

  • Code Organization
    • Consistent Indentation, Commenting, and Readable Code
  • SEO Best Practices
    • Using Meta Tags, Alt Attributes for Images, Proper Heading Hierarchy

10. Advanced Topics

  • Responsive Design
    • Meta Viewport Tag, Media Queries, Flexbox, Grid Layout
  • Performance Optimization
    • Minifying HTML, Reducing HTTP Requests, Lazy Loading Images

11. Project Building

  • Building Simple Web Pages
    • Personal Portfolio, Blog Page
  • Developing Complex Projects
    • E-Commerce Product Page, Web Application UI

12. Continuous Learning

  • Staying Updated with HTML5
    • Follow Web Standards and W3C Recommendations
  • Learning Resources
    • MDN Web Docs, W3Schools, HTML5 Rocks

This comprehensive roadmap provides a structured approach to mastering HTML, from basic concepts to advanced techniques. Adjust the roadmap according to your learning pace and goals. Happy coding!

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