
VB.Net - Statements

statement is a complete instruction in Visual Basic programs. It may contain keywords, operators, variables, literal values, constants and expressions.

Statements could be categorized as −

Ø  Declaration statements − these are the statements where you name a variable, constant, or procedure, and can also specify a data type.

Ø  Executable statements − these are the statements, which initiate actions. These statements can call a method or function, loop or branch through blocks of code or assign values or expression to a variable or constant. In the last case, it is called an Assignment statement.

Declaration Statements

The declaration statements are used to name and define procedures, variables, properties, arrays, and constants. When you declare a programming element, you can also define its data type, access level, and scope.

The programming elements you may declare include variables, constants, enumerations, classes, structures, modules, interfaces, procedures, procedure parameters, function returns, external procedure references, operators, properties, events, and delegates.

Following are the declaration statements in VB.Net −


Statements and Description



Dim Statement

Declares and allocates storage space for one or more variables.

Dim number As Integer

Dim quantity As Integer = 100

Dim message As String = "Hello!"


Const Statement

Declares and defines one or more constants.

Const maximum As Long = 1000

Const naturalLogBase As Object



Enum Statement

Declares an enumeration and defines the values of its members.

Enum CoffeeMugSize






End Enum


Class Statement

Declares the name of a class and introduces the definition of the variables, properties, events, and procedures that the class comprises.

Class Box

Public length As Double

Public breadth As Double  

Public height As Double

End Class


Structure Statement

Declares the name of a structure and introduces the definition of the variables, properties, events, and procedures that the structure comprises.

Structure Box

Public length As Double          

Public breadth As Double  

Public height As Double

End Structure


Module Statement

Declares the name of a module and introduces the definition of the variables, properties, events, and procedures that the module comprises.

Public Module myModule

Sub Main()

Dim user As String =

InputBox("What is your name?")

MsgBox("User name is" & user)

End Sub

End Module


Interface Statement

Declares the name of an interface and introduces the definitions of the members that the interface comprises.

Public Interface MyInterface

   Sub doSomething()

End Interface


Function Statement

Declares the name, parameters, and code that define a Function procedure.

Function myFunction

(ByVal n As Integer) As Double

   Return 5.87 * n

End Function


Sub Statement

Declares the name, parameters, and code that define a Sub procedure.

Sub mySub(ByVal s As String)


End Sub


Declare Statement

Declares a reference to a procedure implemented in an external file.

Declare Function getUserName

Lib "advapi32.dll"

Alias "GetUserNameA"


   ByVal lpBuffer As String,

   ByRef nSize As Integer) As Integer


Operator Statement

Declares the operator symbol, operands, and code that define an operator procedure on a class or structure.

Public Shared Operator +

(ByVal x As obj, ByVal y As obj) As obj

   Dim r As New obj

implemention code for r = x + y

   Return r

End Operator


Property Statement

Declares the name of a property, and the property procedures used to store and retrieve the value of the property.

ReadOnly Property quote() As String


      Return quoteString

   End Get

End Property


Event Statement

Declares a user-defined event.

Public Event Finished()


Delegate Statement

Used to declare a delegate.

Delegate Function MathOperator(

   ByVal x As Double,

   ByVal y As Double

) As Double

Executable Statements

An executable statement performs an action. Statements calling a procedure, branching to another place in the code, looping through several statements, or evaluating an expression are executable statements. An assignment statement is a special case of an executable statement.


The following example demonstrates a decision making statement −

Live Demo

Module decisions

   Sub Main()

      'local variable definition '

      Dim a As Integer = 10

      ' check the boolean condition using if statement '

      If (a < 20) Then

         ' if condition is true then print the following '

         Console.WriteLine("a is less than 20")

      End If

      Console.WriteLine("value of a is : {0}", a)


   End Sub

End Module

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −

a is less than 20;

value of a is : 10


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