
Simple Chat System In Java With Source Code

Project: Simple Chat System In Java

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The simple chat system is a complete java chat project. Java programming language and Eclipse IDE are its core elements for its completion. Also, this project uses the MySQL database as backend support for storing the user information. In order to run this project, you will require NetBeans IDE and XAMPP localhost server.


The name quite explains the scenario of this chat system project. That is the purpose of this project. The major task of this project is for creating room and allowing the users to chat with each other. You will provide the details of each and every section of the data fields. So that the system can store your accurate information. Here you can upload your profile picture as well.

There are two rooms for chat. That is, one is public and the other is private chat. Into the private chat section, you can chat with those who are in your friend list. On the other hand, that is, in the private section, you can chat with strangers like you do comment on facebook.

Here you have to create the database and table by going to your localhost. Please keep in mind that there is no separate database file. You have to manually type them. Look at the code of this project and create the database tables according to it.

To check the project you can see the image sliders below. Also, we recommend you to use the NetBeans or Eclipse IDE to tun this project.

How To Run??
  • First, open your IDE (download and install if you don’t have any)
  • Then import the project in the IDE. Then resolve the jar dependencies. They are all provided in the dist/lib folder.
  • Also, run your XAMPP/WAMP server.
  • go to localhost/phpmyadmin
  • Then create a database named “chat”.
  • After that, you have to create the tables as per the code in the project.
  • Now you are all set to go.
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