Pharmacy Management System In C++ With Source Code
Project: Pharmacy Management System in C++ with source code
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About Project
Pharmacy Management System is based on a concept of taking medicine orders with payments. In this system, there are no login features. The user can use the features of it which include taking new medicine order, deleting, modifying medicine orders, printing the receipt of payment and viewing the summary of total sales within a day. This mini project contains limited features, but the essential one.
Talking about the features of the Pharmacy Management System, the user can take a new medicine order. For this, the user has to provide the order number, name, date, number of medicine and select medicine. The user can delete the latest medicine order by providing the order number. In order to modify the order, he/she has to enter each and every detail. After taking orders, the payment is to be done from the receipt section. Here in the receipt section, the system asks for a receipt number. Then the system displays total receipt with medicine type, name, quantity, and total price.
Remaining Feature
The last feature of this project is about viewing the summary of total sales. This section displays each and every sale record in a list view. The system does not use any external files to store the data permanently. Pharmacy Management system is developed using C++ Programming Language and different variables, strings have been used for the development of it. Pharmacy Management System in C++ Programming with source code is free to download. Use for educational purposes only! This project provides the simplest system for taking medicine orders and payments.
In order to run the project, you must have installed Dev C++ or Code Blocks on your PC. (we recommend these IDE). For the project demo, have a look at the video below.
- Take medicine orders
- Delete and Modify medicine orders
- Print Receipt
- Make Payments
- Summary of Total Sales