Traffic Management System with C++
The Traffic Management System with C++ is a software solution aimed at automating and regulating traffic control procedures. It incorporates a multitude of functionalities such as challan recording, vehicle, and challan searches, traffic flow monitoring across various control booths, and provision of emergency contact and healthcare information. We will be utilizing C++ for file handling and data management. Our traffic system will efficiently automate tasks, demonstrating the application of programming in real-world scenarios like traffic management.
The Traffic Management System is concerned with the process of managing traffic. We will learn how to provide effective storage of vehicle registration numbers and make data retrieval and access easy and fast. The user can do a variety of operations, such as accessing data records, searching for a vehicle and owner, etc.
The objectives of this traffic management system with C++ are as follows:
1. Traffic Violation Management: The code provides an interface for recording and managing traffic violations (challans) linked with vehicle registration numbers and owner names.
2. Traffic Challan Search: The program offers functionality to search for traffic challans using either the vehicle’s registration number or the vehicle owner’s name.
3. Vehicle Search: The system enables search operations for vehicle records based on their registration numbers, aiding in tracking and monitoring.
4. Traffic Control Booth Monitoring: The code simulates the operation of traffic control booths in different locations, tracking the number of vehicles entering and leaving the city.
5. Provision of Emergency Information: The system provides important emergency contact information and details about nearby healthcare centers, serving as a useful resource during emergencies.
1. Integrated Development Environment (IDE): A C++ compatible IDE like Dev C++, Code Blocks, or VS code will be needed for writing and debugging the code.
2. C++ Standard Library: The code makes use of standard C++ libraries like <iostream>, <fstream>, and <string>. Ensure that your compiler fully supports the C++11 or later standard.
3. File System Access: The code uses file handling operations to store and retrieve information about traffic violations. The development and deployment environment should allow for file creation, reading, and writing.
4. Operating System Compatibility: The code is platform-independent, but your IDE and C++ compiler must be compatible with your operating system, be it Windows, MacOS, or Linux.
Source Code
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #include <fstream> #include <chrono> #include <stdlib.h> #include<ctime> using namespace std; class TrafficManagementSystem { public: int welcome() { system("clear"); time_t tt; struct tm * ti; time (&tt); ti = localtime(&tt); cout<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<" " <<asctime(ti); delay_1(); system("clear"); cout<<"**' '**"<<endl; cout<<"**' HEARTY WELCOME TO '**"<<endl; cout<<"**' '**"<<endl; cout<<"**' TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM '**"<<endl; cout<<"**' '**"<<endl; cout<<"**' '**"<<endl; cout<<"**' '**"<<endl; cout<<"**' '**"<<endl; cout<<"**' ENTER YOUR DESIRED OPTION: '**"<<endl; cout<<"**' '**"<<endl; cout<<"**' Press 1 to record new vehicles '**"<<endl; cout<<"**' Press 2 to get record of challan '**"<<endl; cout<<"**' Press 3 to search record of vehicles '**"<<endl; cout<<"**' Press 4 to search traffic control booths '**"<<endl; cout<<"**' Press 5 to control the traffic '**"<<endl; cout<<"**' Press 6 If you require HELP '**"<<endl; cout<<"**' '**"<<endl; cout<<"**' Please enter your desired choice: ___ '**"<<endl; int ch{0}; cin>>ch; if(ch > 0 && ch < 7) { switch (ch) { case 1: system("clear"); recordOfVehicle(); break; case 2: system("clear"); recOfChall(); break; case 3: system("clear"); vehSearch(); break; case 4: system("clear"); trafContBooth(); break; case 5: system("clear"); trafContBooth(); break; case 6: system("clear"); helpInfo(); break; } } else{ cout<<"Please enter a valid option !!"<<endl; delay(); system("clear"); welcome(); } return 0; } int delay_0() { using namespace std::this_thread; // sleep_for, sleep_until using namespace std::chrono; // nanoseconds, system_clock, seconds sleep_for(nanoseconds(1000000)); sleep_until(system_clock::now() + seconds(1)); } int delay_1() { using namespace std::this_thread; // sleep_for, sleep_until using namespace std::chrono; // nanoseconds, system_clock, seconds sleep_for(nanoseconds(1000000000)); sleep_until(system_clock::now() + seconds(1)); } int delay_2() { using namespace std::this_thread; // sleep_for, sleep_until using namespace std::chrono; // nanoseconds, system_clock, seconds sleep_for(nanoseconds(100000000)); sleep_until(system_clock::now() + seconds(1)); } int recordOfVehicle() { cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* HEARTY WELCOME TO *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* ----Record of Vehicles---- *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* Select your desired option :- *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* Press 1 to Add a New Vehicle *"<<endl; cout<<"* Press 2 to Search for a Vehicle Using its registration number *"<<endl; cout<<"* Press 3 to search a vehicle through the owner's name *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* Press 0 for home *"<<endl; cout<<"* Please enter your desired choice__ *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; int RegofChoice{0}; cin>>RegofChoice; switch (RegofChoice) { case 0: system("clear"); welcome(); break; case 1: recordOfVehicle_1(); break; case 2: recordOfVehicle_2(); break; case 3: recordOfVehicle_3(); break; } return 0; } int recordOfVehicle_1() { system("clear"); fstream fio; string line; cout << " Hey Welcome to the vehicle registration portal\n"<<endl; cout<<"Please enter your vehicle's registration number in the first line"<<endl; cout<<"Please enter the owner's name in the second line "<<endl; cout<<endl<<"If you want to exit please enter './' ";"/home/lamecodes/CLionProjects/untitled/cmake-build-debug/RecordOfTheVehicles.txt", ios::app | ios::out | ios::in); while (fio) { getline(cin, line); if (line == "./") break; fio << line << endl; } cout<<"Your data has been entered successfully !!"<<endl; delay(); system("clear"); recordOfVehicle(); } int recordOfVehicle_2() { system("clear"); string path = "/home/lamecodes/CLionProjects/untitled/cmake-build-debug/RecordOfTheVehicles.txt"; ifstream file( path.c_str() ); if( file.is_open() ) { cout << " WELCOME to the registration portal\n" ; cout <<endl<< "Please enter the registration number of the vehicle that you are searching for\n" ; string word ; cin >> word ; int count = 0 ; string person ; while( file >> person ) { if( word == person ) ++count ; } if (count > 0) { cout << "The entered registration number " << word << "'is found in our records"<<endl ; int choice; cout<<endl<<"Press 1 to go back to the home screen and Press 2 if you want to enter the registration number again "; cin>>choice; (choice ==1) ? welcome(): recordOfVehicle_2(); } else { cout<<"Sorry!!!! Entered Registration number is not found"; int choice; cout<<endl<<"Press 1 to go back to the home screen and Press 2 if you want to enter the registration number again "; cin>>choice; (choice ==1) ? welcome(): recordOfVehicle_2(); } } else { cerr << "Error!!!!401!!!\n" ; delay(); welcome(); } } int recordOfVehicle_3() { system("clear"); string path = "/home/lamecodes/CLionProjects/untitled/cmake-build-debug/RecordOfTheVehicles.txt"; ifstream file( path.c_str() ); if( file.is_open() ) { cout << " WELCOME to the registration portal\n" ; cout <<endl<< "Please enter the name of the owner of the vehicle that you are searching for\n" ; string word ; cin >> word ; int countwords = 0 ; string candidate ; while( file >> candidate ) // for each candidate word read from the file { if( word == candidate ) ++countwords ; } if (countwords > 0){ cout << "The Owner's Name " << word << "' has been found successfully in our records."<<endl ; int choice; cout<<endl<<"Press 1 to go back to the home screen and Press 2 if you want to enter the owner's name again"; cin>>choice; if (choice ==1) welcome(); else recordOfVehicle_2(); } else{ cout<<"Sorry!!!!Owner's name is unavailable "; int choice; cout<<endl<<"Press 1 to go back to the home screen and Press 2 if you want to enter the owner's name again "; cin>>choice; if (choice ==1) welcome(); else recordOfVehicle_2(); } } else { cerr << "Error! 401!\n" ; delay(); welcome(); } } int recordOfChallan() { cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* WELCOME TO *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* ----Record of Challan---- *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* Enter your desired Option :- *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* Press 1 to Add a New Challan *"<<endl; cout<<"* Press 2 to search for Challan Using registration number *"<<endl; cout<<"* Press 3 to search for Challan Using Owner's name *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* Press 0 if you want to go back to home *"<<endl; cout<<"* Enter your desired choice ___ *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; int ROCChoice{0}; cin>>ROCChoice; switch (ROCChoice) { case 0: system("clear"); welcome(); break; case 1: recordOfChallan_1(); break; case 2: recordOfChallan_2(); break; case 3: recordOfChallan_3(); break; default: cout << "please enter a valid case" << endl; } return 0; } int recordOfChallan_1() { system("clear"); fstream fio; string text; cout << " Welcome to the CHALLAN MANAGEMENT portal\n"<<endl; cout<<"Please enter your vehicle's registration number in the first line "<<endl; cout<<"Please enter owner's name in the second line"<<endl; cout<<endl<<"If you want to exit please enter './' "; // Execute a loop If file successfully Opened"/home/lamecodes/CLionProjects/untitled/cmake-build-debug/RecordOfTheChallan.txt", ios::app | ios::out | ios::in); // Execute a loop If file successfully Opened while (fio) { // Read a Line from standard input getline(cin, text); // Press -1 to exit if (text== "./") break; // Write line in file fio << text << endl; } cout<<"Data has been Entered successfully !!"<<endl; delay(); system("clear"); recordOfChallan(); } int recordOfChallan_2() { system("clear"); string path = "/home/lamecodes/CLionProjects/untitled/cmake-build-debug/RecordOfChallan.txt"; ifstream file( path.c_str() ); if( file.is_open() ) { cout << " Welcome to Challan Management System\n"<<endl; cout <<endl<< "Enter the registration number of the vehicle that you are searching for\n" ; string text; cin >> text ; int countwords = 0 ; string candidate ; while( file >> candidate ) { if( text == candidate ) ++countwords ; } if (countwords > 0){ cout << "The entered Registration number '" << text << "' has been found successfully in our records."<<endl ; int choice; cout<<endl<<"Enter 1 to go to home screen and press 2 if you want to enter thr registration number again"; cin>>choice; if (choice ==1) welcome(); else recordOfChallan_2(); } else{ cout<<"Sorry!!!!Registration number is not found !!"; int choice; cout<<endl<<"Enter 1 to go back to the home screen and Press 2 if you want to enter the registration number again"; cin>>choice; if (choice ==1) welcome(); else recordOfChallan_2(); } } else { cerr << "Error!!!! 402!\n" ; delay(); welcome(); } } int recordOfChallan_3() { system("clear"); string path = "/home/lamecodes/CLionProjects/untitled/cmake-build-debug/RecordOfTheChallanOfVehicles.txt"; ifstream file( path.c_str() ); if( file.is_open() ) { cout << " Welcome to the Challan Management Portal\n"<<endl; cout <<endl<< "Enter the vehicle owner's name that you are searching for\n" ; string text ; cin >> text ; int countwords = 0 ; string owner ; while( file >> owner) // for each candidate word read from the file { if( text == owner ) ++countwords ; } if (countwords > 0){ cout << "The Owner's name " << text << "' has been successfully found in the records."<<endl ; int choice; cout<<endl<<"Enter 1 to go back to the home screen and Press 2 if you want to enter the owner's name again"; cin>>choice; if (choice ==1) welcome(); else recordOfChallan_3(); } else{ cout<<"Owner's name not found !!"; int choice; cout<<endl<<"Enter 1 to go back to the home screen and Press 2 if you want to enter the owner's name again "; cin>>choice; if (choice ==1) welcome(); else recordOfChallan_3(); } } else { cerr << "Error!!!! 402!\n" ; delay(); welcome(); } } int vehSearch() { cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* WELCOME TO *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* ----Search for the Record of Vehicles---- *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* Enter The Vehicle's Registration Number *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* Press 0 if you want to go back to home *"<<endl; cout<<"* Enter your desired choice ___ *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; string path = "/home/lamecodes/CLionProjects/untitled/cmake-build-debug/RecordOfTheVehicles.txt"; ifstream file( path.c_str() ); system("clear"); if( file.is_open() ) { string word ; cin >> word ; int countwords = 0 ; string candidate ; while( file >> candidate ) // for each candidate word read from the file { if( word == candidate ) ++countwords ; } if (countwords > 0){ cout << "The entered registration number " << word << "' has been found successfully in our records."<<endl ; int choice; cout<<endl<<"Enter 1 to go back to the home screen and Press 2 if you want to enter the owner's name again "; cin>>choice; if (choice ==1) welcome(); else vehSearch(); } else{ cout<<"Sorry!!!Registration number is not found !!"; int choice; cout<<endl<<"Enter 1 to go back to the home screen and Press 2 if you want to enter the owner's name again "; cin>>choice; if (choice ==1) welcome(); else vehSearch(); } } else { cerr << "Error!!!! 401!\n" ; delay(); welcome(); } } int trafContBooth() { // Traffic Control Booths cout<<"* WELCOME TO *"<<endl; cout<<"* TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM *"<<endl; cout<<"* ----Traffic Control Booths---- *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* Enter your desired Option :- *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* 1.Bhubaneswar Traffic Control Booth *"<<endl; cout<<"* 2. Cuttack Traffic Control Booth *"<<endl; cout<<"* 3. Puri Traffic Control Booth *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* Press 0 if you want to go back to the home screen *"<<endl; cout<<"* Enter your desired choice ___ *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; int TrafficCBChoice{0}; cin>>TrafficCBChoice; switch (TrafficCBChoice) { case 0: system("clear"); welcome(); break; case 1: trafficContBooth_1(); break; case 2: trafficContBooth_2(); break; case 3: trafficContBooth_3(); break; } return 0; } int trafficContBooth_1() { system("clear"); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { cout<<" Bhubaneswar Traffic Control Booth "<<endl; cout<<"Vehicles that are going out of the city Vehicles that are coming into the city"<<endl; cout<<endl<<" "<<i+1<<" "<<i+5<<endl; delay(); system("clear"); } } int trafficContBooth_2() { system("clear"); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { cout<<" Cuttack Traffic Control Booth "<<endl; cout<<"Vehicles that are going out of the city Vehicles that are coming into the city"<<endl; cout<<endl<<" "<<i+5<<" "<<i*7<<endl; delay(); system("clear"); } } int trafficContBooth_3() { system("clear"); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { cout<<" Puri Traffic Control Booth "<<endl; cout<<"Vehicles that are going out of the city Vehicles that are coming into the city"<<endl; cout<<endl<<" "<<i*16<<" "<<i*22<<endl; delay(); system("clear"); } } int helpInfo() { //Helpline Information and nearby hospitals cout<<"* WELCOME TO *"<<endl; cout<<"* TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM *"<<endl; cout<<"* ----Helpline Info And Nearby Healthcare Centres---- *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* Enter Your desired Option :- *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* Press 1 to get the helpline number *"<<endl; cout<<"* Press 2 to get info of the hospitals in Cuttack *"<<endl; cout<<"* Press 2 to get info of the hospitals in Puri *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; cout<<"* Press 0 if you want to go back to home *"<<endl; cout<<"* Enter your desired choice___ *"<<endl; cout<<"* *"<<endl; int CChoice{0}; cin>>CChoice; switch (CChoice) { case 0: system("clear"); welcome(); break; case 1: { system("clear"); string para; ifstream myfile("/home/lamecodes/CLionProjects/untitled/cmake-build-debug/HelplineNumbers.txt"); if (myfile.is_open()) { while (getline(myfile, para)) { cout << para << '\n'; } myfile.close(); } else cout << "Error!!!! 403!"; int ch; cout << endl << "Press 1 if you want to go back to the Home Page" << endl; cin >> ch; if (ch == 1) { system("clear"); welcome(); } else { cout << endl << "Please Enter Valid option !!"; cout << endl << endl << "Press 1 if you want to go back to the Home Page" << endl; cin >> ch; if (ch == 1) { system("clear"); welcome(); } } break; } case 2: { system("clear"); string line; ifstream myfile("/home/lamecodes/CLionProjects/untitled/cmake-build-debug/HCuttack.txt"); if (myfile.is_open()) { while (getline(myfile, line)) { cout << line << '\n'; } myfile.close(); } else cout << "Error!!!! 403!"; int ch; cout << endl << "Press 1 if you want to go back to the Home Page" << endl; cin >> ch; if (ch == 1) { system("clear"); welcome(); } else { cout << endl << "Please Enter Valid option !!"; cout << endl << endl << "Press 1 if you want to go back to the Home Page" << endl; cin >> ch; if (ch == 1) { system("clear"); welcome(); } } } break; case 3: { system("clear"); string line; ifstream myfile("/home/lamecodes/CLionProjects/untitled/cmake-build-debug/HPuri.txt"); if (myfile.is_open()) { while (getline(myfile, line)) { cout << line << '\n'; } myfile.close(); } else cout << "Error!!!! 403!"; int ch; cout << endl << "Press 1 if you want to go back to the Home Page" << endl; cin >> ch; if (ch == 1) { system("clear"); welcome(); } else { cout << endl << "Please Enter Valid option !!"; cout << endl << endl << "Press 1 if you want to go back to the Home Page" << endl; cin >> ch; if (ch == 1) { system("clear"); welcome(); } } break; } } return 0; } }; int main() { TrafficManagementSystem ob1; ob1.welcome(); }
Explanation of the Code
There are certain functions to record the details of vehicles and store the owner’s name, search for a vehicle with its registration number, etc. Here’s a breakdown of the functions and what each one does: All the functionalities are performed properly without any inconvenience.
1. class TrafficManagementSystem: This class encapsulates all the functionality of the Traffic Management System.
2. welcome(): This is the main menu of the application. It displays a welcome message along with the date and time, then presents the user with a menu of options: to record new vehicles, get records of challan (traffic violation fines), search for a vehicle’s record, search for traffic control booths, control traffic, and access a help menu.
3. delay_0(), int delay_1(), int delay_2(): These three methods are used to introduce delays of varying lengths in the program for visual effect. They use the this_thread and chrono namespaces to achieve this.
4. recordOfVehicle(): This function displays a submenu for recording and searching for vehicles. It offers options to add a new vehicle, search for a vehicle using its registration number, and search for a vehicle by the owner’s name.
5. recordOfVehicle_1(): This function lets the user add a new vehicle’s registration number and owner’s name to a text file.
6. recordOfVehicle_2(): This function allows the user to search for a vehicle by its registration number in the text file. If the registration number is found, it gives the user the option to either return to the home screen or search again.
7. recordOfVehicle_3(): Similar to recordOfVehicle_2(), but this function searches for a vehicle by the owner’s name. If the name is found, it gives the user the option to either return to the home screen or search again.
8. recordOfChallan() function is the starting point of the program. It creates a simple console-based user interface for a traffic management system. This function offers four options to the user: add a new challan, search for a challan using the registration number, search for a challan using the owner’s name, and to go back to the home screen. Depending on the choice entered by the user, it calls one of three other functions or returns to the home screen.
9. recordOfChallan_1() allows the user to add a new challan by inputting a vehicle’s registration number and the owner’s name. This information is appended to a text file. If the user wants to exit this function, they can enter ‘./’.
10. recordOfChallan_2() searches for a challan using the registration number of the vehicle. It opens a text file and checks each word to see if it matches the registration number entered by the user. If a match is found, the function displays a success message. If no match is found, it displays a failure message.
11. recordOfChallan_3() functions similarly to recordOfChallan_2(), but it searches for a challan using the owner’s name instead of the vehicle’s registration number.
12. vehSearch() allows the user to search for a vehicle’s record using its registration number.
13. trafContBooth() and related trafficContBooth_x() functions simulate the output of three different traffic control booths. Each booth has a different way of calculating the number of vehicles coming in and going out.
14. helpInfo() provides helpline information and details about nearby healthcare centers. It allows users to view the helpline number or get info about hospitals in Cuttack or Puri. This information is read from text files.
15. TrafficManagementSystem is a class that contains all the above functions.
16. Finally, the main() function creates an instance of the TrafficManagementSystem class and calls the welcome() function to start the program.
This Traffic Management System with C++ is a great example of how C++ can be used for file handling and data management to build a practical, real-world application. This is a very simple, automated, and convenient C++ system that helps the user to access numerous vehicle records as per need. It shows how programming can help in automating tasks in various fields, including traffic management.