
Color Picker In Tkinter Python With Source Code

Project: Color Picker In Tkinter Python With Source Code

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The Color Picker In Tkinter Python is a simple project developed using Python. The project contains the three main color selection scales from where the user can customize their own color. Here, the user can just click or drag the color scale from left to right for the amount of individual color presence. Hence, the user can get the desired color output from this application.

The project file contains a python script ( This is a simple GUI project which is very easy to understand and use. Also, this project makes a convenient way for the user to customize their color code in RGB format.

About system

This Color Picker In Tkinter GUI project is in Python. Talking about the features of this system, this python application is designed to create customized color codes in RGB format. The user can drag the color scale from left to right in each color individual selection scale and get the final color code as per their taste and need. Moreover, the user can also copy the final color code to the clipboard and use it in their other required area.

Also, the design of this system is pretty simple so that the user won’t get any difficulties while working on it.

How To Run The Project?

To run this project, you must have installed Python on your PC. After downloading the project, follow the steps below:

Step1: Extract/Unzip the file

Step2: Go inside the project folder, open cmd then type and enter to start the system.


Step2: Simply, double-click the file and you are ready to go.

The Color Picker In Tkinter Python with source code is free to download, Use for educational purposes only! 

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