C++ Project on Attendance Management
- This project manages attendance of students
- Admin can register students and create username & password for student
- Student can login, mark attendance of same day & also can see history of attendance
- Please note Admin username is : "admin" , password is "admin@2"
- Compiled on g++ compiler
Source Code
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std; int adminView(); int studentView(); int studentLogin(); int checkCredentials(string userName, string password); int getAllStudentsbyRollNo(); int deleteAllStudents(); int deleteStudentbyRollno(); int checkListOfStudentsRegistered(); int checkPresenseCountbyRollno(); int getListOfStudentsWithTheirPresenseCount(); int registerStudent(); int adminLogin(); int registerStudent(); int markMyAttendance(string username); int countMyAttendance(string username); int delay(); int delay() { for(int i = 0; i<3; i ++) { cout<<"\n Saving Records ..."; for(int ii = 0; ii<20000; ii ++) { for(int iii = 0; iii<20000; iii ++) { } } } cout<<"\n Exiting Now ..."; for(int i = 0; i<3; i ++){ for(int ii = 0; ii<20000; ii ++) { for(int iii = 0; iii<20000; iii ++){ } } } return 0; } int adminView() { int goBack = 0; while(1) { system("cls"); cout<<"\n 1 Register a Student"; cout<<"\n 2 Delete All students name registered"; cout<<"\n 3 Delete student by rollno"; cout<<"\n 4 Check List of Student registered by userame"; cout<<"\n 5 Check presense count of any student by Roll No"; cout<<"\n 6 Get List of student with their attendance count"; cout<<"\n 0. Go Back <- \n"; int choice; cout<<"\n Enter you choice: "; cin>>choice; switch(choice) { case 1: registerStudent();break; case 2: deleteAllStudents(); break; case 3: deleteStudentbyRollno(); break; case 4: checkListOfStudentsRegistered(); break; case 5: checkPresenseCountbyRollno(); break; case 6: getListOfStudentsWithTheirPresenseCount(); break; case 0: goBack = 1;break; default: cout<<"\n Invalid choice. Enter again "; getchar(); } if(goBack == 1) { break; //break the loop } } return 0; } int studentLogin() { system("cls"); cout<<"\n -------- Student Login ---------"; studentView(); delay(); return 0; } int adminLogin() { system("cls"); cout<<"\n --------- Admin Login --------"; string username; string password; cout<<"\n Enter username : "; cin>>username; cout<<"\n Enter password : "; cin>>password; if(username=="admin" && password=="admin@2") { adminView(); getchar(); delay(); } else { cout<<"\n Error ! Invalid Credintials.."; cout<<"\n Press any key for main menu "; getchar();getchar(); } return 0; } int checkStudentCredentials(string username, string password) { // read file line by line & check if username-password.dat exist? // if it exsist return 1 else 0 ifstream read; read.open("db.dat"); if (read) { // The file exists, and is open for input int recordFound = 0; string line; string temp = username + password + ".dat"; cout<<"\n file name is : "<<temp; while(getline(read, line)) { if(line == temp) { recordFound = 1; break; } } if(recordFound == 0) return 0; else return 1; } else { return 0; } } int getAllStudentsbyName() { cout<<"\n List of All Students by their Name \n"; cout<<"\n Please any key to continue.."; getchar();getchar(); return 0; } int getAllStudentsbyRollNo() { cout<<"\n List of All Students by their Roll No \n"; cout<<"\n Please any key to continue.."; getchar();getchar(); return 0; } int deleteStudentbyRollno() { cout<<"\n Delete any Student by their Roll No \n"; cout<<"\n Please any key to continue.."; getchar();getchar(); return 0; } int checkPresenseCountbyRollno() { cout<<"\n Check presense count of any Student by Roll No \n"; cout<<"\n Please any key to continue.." ; getchar();getchar(); return 0; } int checkAllPresenseCountbyRollno() { cout<<"\n Check presense count of All Students by Roll No & Name \n"; cout<<"\n Please any key to continue.." ; getchar();getchar(); return 0; } int studentView() { cout<<"\n ------- Student Login-------- \n"; string username, password; cout<<"\n Enter username : "; cin>>username; cout<<"\n Enter password : "; cin>>password; int res = checkStudentCredentials(username, password); if(res == 0) { cout<<"\n Invalid Credentials !!"; cout<<"\n Press any key for Main Menu.."; getchar(); getchar(); return 0; } int goBack = 0; while(1) { system("cls"); cout<<"\n 1 Mark Attendance fo Today "; cout<<"\n 2 Count my Attendance"; cout<<"\n 0. Go Back <- \n"; int choice; cout<<"\n Enter you choice: "; cin>>choice; switch(choice) { case 1: markMyAttendance(username); break; case 2: countMyAttendance(username); break; case 0: goBack = 1;break; default: cout<<"\n Invalid choice. Enter again "; getchar(); } if(goBack == 1) { break; //break the loop } } } int markMyAttendance(string username) { cout<<"\n Mark Attendance for today !!"; cout<<"\n Please any key to continue.."; //todo: implement this functionality getchar();getchar(); return 0; } int countMyAttendance(string username) { cout<<"\n Count my attendace for today !!"; cout<<"\n Please any key to continue.."; //todo: implment this functionality getchar();getchar(); return 0; } int deleteAllStudents() { cout<<"\n In delete all students !!"; cout<<"\n Please any key to continue.."; //todo: implement this functionality getchar(); getchar(); return 0; } int checkListOfStudentRegistered() { cout<<"\n List of All registered registered !!"; cout<<"\n Please any key to continue.."; //todo: implment this functionality getchar(); getchar(); return 0; } int getListOfStudentsWithTheirPresenseCount() { cout<<"\n All Students with their Presense count !!"; cout<<"\n Please any key to continue.."; //todo: implement this functionality getchar(); getchar(); return 0; } int checkListOfStudentsRegistered(){ cout<<"\n - Check List of Student Registered by Username-- "; //check if record already exist.. ifstream read; read.open("db.dat"); if(read) { int recordFound =0; string line; while(getline(read, line)) { char name[100]; strcpy(name, line.c_str()); char onlyname[100]; strncpy(onlyname, name, (strlen(name) - 4)); cout<<" \n " << onlyname; } read.close(); } else { cout<<"\n No Record found :("; } cout<<"\n Please any key to continue.."; getchar(); getchar(); return 0; } int registerStudent() { cout<<"\n ----- Form to Register Student ---- \n"; string name, username, password, rollno, address, father, mother; cout<<"\n Enter Name : "; cin>>name; cout<<"\n Enter Username : "; cin>>username; cout<<"\n Enter password : "; cin>>password; cout<<"\n Enter rollno : "; cin>>rollno; getchar(); char add[100]; cout<<"\n Enter address : "; cin.getline(add, 100); cout<<"\n Enter father : "; cin>>father; cout<<"\n Enter mother : "; cin>>mother; //check if record already exist.. ifstream read; read.open("db.dat"); if(read) { int recordFound =0; string line; while(getline(read, line)) { if(line == username+".dat" ) { recordFound = 1 ; break; } } if(recordFound == 1) { cout<<"\n Username already Register. Please choose another username "; getchar(); getchar(); delay(); read.close(); return 0; } } read.close(); ofstream out; out.open("db.dat", ios::app); out<<username+".dat"<<"\n"; out.close(); ofstream out1; string temp = username+".dat"; out1.open(temp.c_str()); out1<<name<<"\n"; out1<<username<<"\n"; out1<<password<<"\n"; out1<<rollno<<"\n"; out1<<add<<"\n"; out1<<father<<"\n"; out1<<mother<<"\n"; out1.close(); cout<<"\n Student Registered Successfully !!"; cout<<"\n Please any key to continue.."; getchar(); getchar(); return 0; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { while(1) { system("cls"); cout<<"\n Attendance Management System \n"; cout<<"-------------------------------------\n\n"; cout<<"1. Student Login\n"; cout<<"2. Admin Login\n"; cout<<"0. Exit\n"; int choice; cout<<"\n Enter you choice: "; cin>>choice; switch(choice) { case 1: studentLogin(); break; case 2: adminLogin(); break; case 0: while(1) { system("cls"); cout<<"\n Are you sure, you want to exit? y | n \n"; char ex; cin>>ex; if(ex == 'y' || ex == 'Y') exit(0); else if(ex == 'n' || ex == 'N') { break; } else{ cout<<"\n Invalid choice !!!"; getchar(); } } break; default: cout<<"\n Invalid choice. Enter again "; getchar(); } } return 0; }