
Restaurant Billing



Getting Started

This is a C++ application. The project was given as a semister project of B Tech Computer Science stream in Lovely Professional University, Punjab. The goal was to make a Restaurant Billing System in which the restaurant admin can view, add, update and delete the products. And the billing desk can view, add, delete and generate the products bill.

Language Used


  1. The application has a parent class Restaurant and it has two child classes RestAdmin and BillDesk.

    class Restaurent {};
    class RestAdmin : public Restaurent {};
    class BillDesk : public Restaurent {}

    Here Hierarchical Inheritance is used.

  2. Restaurant and RestAdmin are included in the main source file and input commands are executed using recursion.


> For Admin User

showTo show all products
addTo add a new product Product_CodeProduct_NamePrice
searchTo search a product Product_Code
updateTo update a product Product_Code, (Product_Name), (Price)
deleteTo delete a product Product_Code
exitTo terminate the application

> For Bill Desk

showTo show all products
addTo add a new product Product_CodeProduct_NamePrice
searchTo search a product Product_Code
deleteTo delete a product Product_Code
billTo generate the bill
exitTo terminate the application

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