
Difference between JDK,JVM and JRE.

Difference between JDK,JVM and JRE

  • For better understanding and details knowledge of JAVA it is necessary to know the difference between JVM ,JRE and JDK.


  • It stands for Java Virtual Machine.
  • JVM is the virtual machine that runs on actual machine and executes Java byte code.
  • It is called a virtual machine because it doesn't physically exist.
  • JVM provides a runtime environment in which Java bytecode can be executed.


  • It stands for Java Runtime Environment.
  • It provides runtime environment for a java program.
  • It is a combination of JVM and set of libraries.
  • The set of library is used by JVM at runtime.


  • It stands for Java Development Kit.
  • It contains all the library which is used to develop and run a java application.
  • It is a combination of JRE and set of development tools.
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