• In encapsulation and data hiding: a non member function has no permission to access private data of the class. 
  •  The private data members of the class are accessed only from member function of the same class. Any non-member function cannot access the private data of the class. 
  •  C++ allows a mechanism in which a non-member function can access the private data members of the class i.e by declaring a non-member function friend of the class whose private data has to be accessed. 


  •  Not a member of any class therefore no need for scope resolution operator. 

void sum::putdata(void)  void disp(void) 

  • Friend function can be called like normal function, no need of object.(since it is not a member of any class)

a.disp();      disp(); 

  • Definition also like normal function.(no need to mention the name of the class). 
  • Arguments assed while calling friend function should be the object of the class. 

Q) Write a program to access private data using non-member function. Use friend function.
Q) Write a program to declare friend function in two classes. Calculate the sum of integers of both the classes using friend sum() function. 

Assignment :

Q) Write a program to exchange values between two classes using friend functions. (assignment) .

Q) Write a program to declare three classes. Declare integer array as data member in each class. perform addition of two data member arrays into array of third class. Use friend function.(assignment) 


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